
Locksmithing parts, supplies & tools

Lockmasters’ Enforcer Punch Kit

March 13, 2023
The Lockmasters’ Enforcer Punch Kit, part number LKMENFORCER, offers two unique gripping options with a 3-1/2" hand guard. The first handle option offers a lower impact punch ...
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Safes, gun

Lockly Smart Safe

Feb. 3, 2023
The Lockly Smart Safe enables real-time monitoring and control directly from a smartphone. Utilizing Lockly’s patented PIN Genie rotating keypad and 3D biometric sensor technology...
Courtesy of Airsled
Inflated air lifts a safe onto the sleds.
Safe moving equipment

Airsled Offers Unique Moving Solutions

Nov. 16, 2022
Avoid property damage and risk of injury by moving safes on a cushion of air.
The Autodialer JACK PRO by MPM Lock Decoders

The Case for Safe Autodialers

A new product from Czech Republic promises easier installation and use.
Securam Lock
Safe locks


Aug. 15, 2022
Manage these safe locks via smartphone with the SECURAM Guard app.