Are you considering the purchase of a mechanical or electronic high security key origination machine? These key machines can originate two and four track, internal and external sidewinder keys, dimple keys, Tibbe keys and some non-automotive high security keys.
Did you know several manufacturers have developed multi-tasking key origination machines? These machines do everything the high security key origination machine can do. Having a built-in horizontal rotary cutter, provides the ability to originate cylindrical keys.
High security and multitasking standard and electronic key origination machines range in price from several thousand dollars to more than ten thousand dollars.
When considering the purchase of a mechanical or electronic high security key origination machine, I believe there are three important considerations. In alphabetic order, they are the functionality, the manufacturer and the price. Which is most important?
Is the functionality the most important consideration?
Would you be willing to pay more for a mult-tasking key originating machine than a high security key originating machine?
Is the key machine manufacturer the most important consideration?
Do you weigh the purchase of a new key machine by the satisfaction you have with other key machines by the same manufacturer?
Is the price the most important consideration?
If a machine is relatively inexpensive compared to other models or manufacturers products, do you think the lower price could mean lower quality?