Corporate Profile: American Key Supply

July 12, 2019

American Key Supply is a family owned and operated business that began in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2009 when computer savvy locksmith, Cary Stevens, saw an opportunity to provide his peers with a better web-based shopping experience than what was available in our industry at that time. As most locksmith business owners can attest, buying and sourcing items to sell to your customers is a huge part of the job. You inevitably become an expert in sourcing as you look to provide your clients with high-quality products that still have reasonable margins in order to fuel your shop’s growth. Cary knew he could take all his sourcing experiences and work them in tandem with his computer background and business acumen to create something special. His concept quickly gathered steam and two years later, the company was relocated to Las Vegas where fast, one-day shipping could be offered to most of the western United States. With the help of USPS, and now a new program from FedEx, we can get anywhere in the US (including Hawaii & Alaska) in two days for pennies on the dollar.

Since its humble beginnings, American Key Supply has committed to remaining at the forefront of technology and information. We have rebuilt ourselves from the ground up in order to provide you with the goods and services that meet the demands of today's security professional. Earlier this year, we transferred operations to a brand-new facility. This 26,000 square foot distribution center is the new home of all current wholesale operations. It will soon accommodate a state-of-the-art classroom environment where security professionals from all walks of life can converge and learn facets of our trade which they can utilize to enhance their personal skill sets and create better opportunities for themselves and their businesses. We understand that the criteria for automotive locksmithing is evolving rapidly. With module synchronization and end-user data encryption slowly becoming the norm, we recognize that the days of standard OBD2 plug-and-play programming are numbered. Rather than allowing ourselves to stagnate or dwindle into obscurity, we have made it our personal mission to enhance our product offerings, to accommodate enhanced automotive security measures and to educate our customer base on how to approach these newer systems so that they may continue to thrive in a marketplace that is steadily evolving around them. Through strategic partnerships with industry leaders who are already at the forefront of this emerging technology, we will incorporate a comprehensive educational regimen that will be accessible to all our clientele.

We have not forgotten about the residential, commercial and institutional tradesmen. In 2019 we will be broadening our hardware offerings, making us a one-stop-shop for all of your door hardware needs. Utilizing the same cost-efficient and innovative processes that put us at the forefront of the automotive locksmith world, we aim to provide you with the same quality of goods, services and experiences that you have come to expect from American Key Supply.

We are evolving. We have implemented a new warehouse management system to ensure that we will always have more of what you need, in stock, when you need it. Our customer service team will be transitioned into a bona fide sales force, complete with your very own dedicated reps so that you may receive answers quickly from knowledgeable associates that will foster personal relationships with you. Our mission is to create a scenario where you have multiple outlets to make the purchases that you need, whether you decide to utilize our state-of-the-art Web site or simply need to reach out to a human for personalized service. We WILL have you covered.

If you liked us before, you’re going to love us now.