Automotive Changes Blog 04-1
I just finished my portion of the Automotive Supplement for the May issue of the Locksmith Ledger magazine. Automotive changes are happening very quickly. Cars such as the 2013 Chevrolet Malibu are now being equipped for fleet and regular sales with the high security side milled keys using the Z0001-Z6000 code series.
In addition, ordering the correct remote will require more thought as car manufacturers are intermixing their vehicles from different manufacturing locations worldwide. The result is you must know not only the year, make and model, you will probably need to know sub model information to insure the remote or fob will operate this specific vehicle.
Then think about high security locks as emergency override. Years ago, car manufacturers removed the side bar from the ignition lock as a way to lower the price of a vehicle. Now some of these same manufacturers are using high security lock locks for the emergency lock and key.
And, no this is not an Aprils Fool Day prank.