Keyline Gymkana 994: Upgrades and Innovations

Oct. 2, 2020
The new M Clamp adds commercial, residential and single-sided automotive keys to the key cutter’s mix.

Keyline always looks for ways to expand its machine capabilities to give the user the best experience, and the latest accessory to the Gymkana 994 key machine accomplishes that.

The Gymkana 994, which was introduced in late 2018, features a single universal clamp that doesn’t require changing the jaw, the cutter or the tracer for the vast majority of automotive laser and double-sided edge-cut keys. This helped to reduce time on the job that automotive locksmiths spent changing clamps or cutters. However, these locksmiths sought more flexibility, which led to the creation of additional clamps to allow for more types of keys to be cut without changing the cutter or tracer.

The New M Clamp

The M jaw now provides the ability to cut commercial and residential keys as well as single-sided automotive keys. For those who still want to cut older General Motors VATS single-sided and double-sided keys, the M Clamp will handle those as well. The specially designed jaw includes a standard adaptor that has two sides. The VATS key adaptor is sold separately and features two sides — SV for single-sided VATS and DV for double-sided VATS.

The Gymkana 994 was designed for ease of use by the operator, so adding the new M Clamp is a breeze. Before using the M Clamp, it’s necessary to have it be “recognized” first by the machine. This is accomplished through calibrating the clamp from the Home Screen on the key machine, by selecting “Setup,” “Calibration” and then “Jaw Setup.” When you’re on the “Jaw Setup” screen, select “M,” and the intuitive software then will walk you step by step through the quick and easy calibration. This jaw calibration has to be performed only once. Any Keyline machine users will appreciate the familiarity of the procedures that are used on the full range of Keyline electronic machines.

Cutting residential, commercial and single-sided automotive keys is simple with the new M Clamp. The color touchscreen display prompts show the user more-detailed key information, which jaw side to use (A or B), how to position the key correctly in the jaw by using the tip stop and options to change the key material type. The default setting is brass, but steel, nickel silver, aluminum and a custom option are available, too. This provides the user with ultimate flexibility based on the types of keys that are being cut. In addition, the standard cutter (V037) and tracer (T08) that are included with the machine are used for key cutting and decoding with the M Clamp, so no additional parts have to be purchased.

Additional Features

Two other optional clamps increase the potential flexibility of the Gymkana 994, while freeing up critical workspace in the shop or mobile unit. The H Clamp, for six-cut Tibbe keys, and the V Clamp, for Audi, Volkswagen and the new Jeep Wrangler keys, are available. The V Clamp requires a smaller 1.5mm cutter because of the small 1.8mm diameter path required on the keys, and the cutter is included as part of the V Clamp kit. Future clamps are in development for upcoming automotive key blanks.

The Gymkana 994 is an automotive specialist machine that requires a pure sine wave inverter for mobile use. The console is mounted over the machine, which helps to save space. A bracket mount also is included for stabilizing the machine safely. Safety features include a wide, well-lit working area, a large safety shield and a drawer for easy capture and removal of chips.

As with all Keyline electronic machines, the Gymkana 994 features Liger-based software and includes 2 years of free software updates. Machines have a 2-year warranty and are serviced in the United States. A technical team is available for product support.

For more information, visit, contact your preferred distributor or call 800-891-2118.

Product part numbers:

Gymkana 994 Key Machine – BI1000

M Clamp Kit – OPZ11088B-BS

V Clamp Kit – OPZ11279B

H Clamp – OPZ09523B

Erin Kocab is director of customer service at Keyline USA.