Medeco eCLIQ Spark Key

Sept. 27, 2024
66f6b86391eceb31529bac78 Medeco Spark Ket

The Medeco eCLIQ Spark key is the first battery-free eCLIQ key that generates its own energy. It opens doors with self-generated energy solely from the key, making the cylinder and key completely self-powered. The energy required for the locking function and for checking access authorizations is generated by the key during insertion into the cylinder. Data is transferred between the eCLIQ locking cylinder and the Spark Key with the usual high level of protection against manipulation and sophisticated attacks of the CLIQ family locking system.

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STRATTEC Security Corporation

Jan. 11, 2016
STRATTEC service and replacement locks and keys are provided to the automotive market through our customers' own Service Operations. OEM quality lock and key replacement products...