Locksmith Ledger is polling our subscribers to determine the average charges for specific locksmith services. We need some help from you, our readers. Please take the time to fill out our 2013 National Average Price Survey card, if you haven't already done so. Just click on the Related Contact tab to download the survey card in pdf format, then e-mail or fax the card back to Managing Editor Emily Pike, [email protected] or fax 866-827-8020. (Last year's results are also available in the Related Content tab.)
If you have already filled out the printed card from the October 2012 issue of Locksmith Ledger, thank you and no need to submit it again. We will publish results of this survey in an early 2013 issue of Locksmith Ledger.
Please keep in mind that our price survey is only an indicator of pricing trends and is not a scientific poll. Dollar amounts listed in this survey should not be used directly as the price you should be charging for various jobs. Other factors, such as your regional cost of living, typical distance traveled for a service call, and the charges of your local competitors, should be taken into consideration before setting your individual price schedule. A few locksmiths even report charging higher fees after hours or when they must drive long distances.