SILVER SPRING, MD — Applications are being accepted for the 2013 SIA New Product Showcase (NPS), scheduled for April 9-10 at ISC West in Las Vegas, Neva.
The 2013 category list has been updated to reflect the many recent changes in electronic security technology. Judging panels comprised of industry experts will select winners in each of these categories, as well as the Judges' Choice Award and the event's highest honor: the Best New Product Award.
This year the NPS has added a spotlight on Emerging Technologies. This new component, which will be judged separately from other entries, highlights exciting technologies that are not yet ready for market – the solutions that may well be next year’s Best New Product. Solutions entered in this category are not eligible for NPS awards, but will be recognized in a special session on April 11 as part of SIA Education at ISC West.
In addition, a display area will be set up at ISC West where buyers can personally see the latest in security products.
- For designers, engineers and innovators, the NPS is an established, proven channel for launching new products and services. For less than the price of a half-page advertisement in an industry trade publication, the NPS speeds the time to market by promoting new products and services through an integrated marketing communications campaign that brings buyers to your ISC West booth.
- For the buying community, the NPS is a trusted and valued source for information about the latest products and technologies available.
MorphoAccess VP from MorphoTrak Inc. took the top honor at the Security Industry Association's 2012 New Product Showcase (NPS), winning the coveted Best New Product Award.
"The SIA New Product Showcase at ISC West highlights the best that the show has to offer,” said Robert Horton, MorphoTrak, Director of Marketing & Communications. “Upon receiving the Best New Product Award, we experienced increased traffic to our booth as well as ongoing improved visibility in security markets.”
For more information, or to download an NPS entry form, visit the NPS website. The application deadline is February 15, 2013. SIA members save $1,000 on the entry fee.