LA GARD has introduced the LGACCESS 3900 Electronic Handle Assembly, an electronic code entry device for safes. The LGACCESS 3900 handle comprises a 10-number (1-0) Mylar keypad within the handle. The keypad number layout is two vertical rows of five pads with the numbers increasing horizontally. At the rear of the handle is a 0.315" square spindle shaft that is used to secure the handle assembly to the safe door and to retract and extend the safe's boltwork when a valid code has been entered.
The LGACCESS 3900 is designed to operate with the LA GARD Model 3765-2 LG Basic and Model 3260 Safeguard Dual Handed Swingbolts. Both are U.L. Listed Type 1 electronic code locks, and both share common features including a Manager Code, User Code and "Wrong Try Penalty." The Manager Code can add, temporary disable, reinstate and remove the User Code. The "Wrong Try Penalty" occurs after four consecutive invalid codes have been entered. This starts a five-minute delay period. During these five minutes, the LGACCESS LED flashes red every 10 seconds and any keystroke will respond with three beeps. At the end of a delay period, two more consecutive invalid codes starts an additional five-minute delay period.
The LA GARD SAFEGUARD Dual-Handed Swingbolt features also include a second user, time delay, dual control, and silent signal alarm. The time delay, dual control, and alarm features require the optional handheld programmer and optional Alarm Box.The LA GARD electronic Dual-Handed Swingbolt Locks can be installed cover out or cover down in all four mounting orientations to accommodate different mounting requirements of the different safe manufacturers. There is no mechanical connection (spindle) between the LGACCESS 3900 and the lock. When a correct code is entered, the solenoid in the lock disengages from the spring-loaded swingbolt, enabling the bolt to swing. The LGACCESS 3900 is rotated, retracting the boltwork to the unlocked position as the swingbolt is pushed into the lock case. The Dual-Handed Swingbolt solenoid automatically extends four seconds after a correct code has been entered. Reverse rotating the LGACCESS 3900 extends the boltwork permitting the swing bolt to spring back, locking the boltwork in place.
The LGACCESS 3900 keypad handle assembly is wired to the LA GARD Swingbolt electronic code lock. The electrical connection, a snap connector on the lock case, ensures that the keypad and lock remain connected. A slot in the spindle accommodates the four-conductor cable running from the LGACCESS to the swingbolt.
When a key is pressed, the red LED flashes once and an audio signal emits one beep. Two flashes and two audio signals indicate entry of a valid code. Three signals indicate an invalid entry. If an incorrect code is entered, wait approximately 20 seconds for the system to reset, then enter the code. Once a valid code has been entered, the handle is rotated, operating the boltwork and permitting the door to be opened.When a LGBASIC or SAFEGUARD swingbolt lock is purchased from a locksmith wholesaler, the lock comes with the Manager Code set to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. The user code has not been programmed. Safe manufacturers occasionally program the user code and provide only the user code to the end-user. The safe manufacturer can set the manager code as the backup code in case of lost code.
For the purpose of this article, we were provided with a mounted LGACCESS 3900 Keypad Handle Assembly and LA GARD Dual Handed Swingbolt safe lock, part number 3765-2.The LA GARD LGACCESS and LGBASIC are designed for the medium and high security safe market. The LGBasic is a U.L. Listed, Type 1 high security electronic code lock equipped with non-volatile memory. The LGBASIC is a fully electronic safe lock, so there is no dial to turn in order to operate the lock or retract the swingbolt. The code is entered through the keypad on the LGACCESS, which is connected to the lock by a four-conductor cable.
To change the Manager Code:
- Step 1. Open the safe door.
- Step 2. Enter six zeroes. Two signals will indicate a valid entry.
- Step 3. Enter the existing code. Two signals will indicate a valid entry.
- Step 4. Enter the new six-digit code. Two signals indicate a valid entry.
- Step 5. Enter the new six-digit code a second time. Two signals will indicate a valid entry. Note: If at any time three signals are emitted, wait approximately 30 seconds and restart the procedure.
Test the operation several more times with the safe door open.
To add the User Code:
- Step 1. Open the safe door.
- Step 2. Enter the Manager Code and hold down the last digit of the code until the lock signals with two sets of double beeps.
- Step 3. Press "1." The lock should signal twice, validating the entry.
- Step 4. Enter the User Code twice. The lock should signal twice after each code has been entered, validating each entry. Note: If at any time a mistake occurs, wait approximately 30 seconds and repeat steps two through four.
Test the operation of the User Code and the Manager Code several more times each with the safe door open.
To disable the User Code:
- Step 1. Open the safe door.
- Step 2. Enter the Manager Code and hold down the last digit of the code until the lock signals with two sets of double beeps.
- Step 3. Press "2." The lock signals once.The User Code is temporarily disabled. With the safe door open, test the operation of the User Code to ensure it has been disabled.
To reinstate the User Code:
- Step 1. Open the safe door.
- Step 2. Enter the Manager Code and hold down the last digit of the code until the lock signals with two sets of double beeps.
- Step 3. Press "1." The lock signals once.
- The User Code is reinstated. With the safe door open, test the operation of the User code to ensure it has been reinstated.
To permanently remove the User Code:
- Step 1. Open the safe door.
- Step 2. Enter the Manager Code and hold down the last digit of the code until the lock signals with two sets of double beeps.
- Step 3. Press 3. The lock signals once.The User Code is permanently removed. With the safe door open, test the operation of the User Code to ensure it has been permanently removed.
Tip: When changing the code(s) or servicing the LGACCESS and LGBASIC or SAFEGUARD, make certain of the following:
- The blocking part of the boltwork exerts pressure on the entire width of the swing bolt, not just a portion of it. This will insure proper operation of the swingbolt lock.
- When the boltwork is extended, it must never be closer than 0.05" to the swingbolt.
- When locked, the boltwork must not place pressure on the swingbolt.
The LA GARD 3900 LGACCESS operates using a 9-volt Duracell ™ or Eveready ™ alkaline battery. When the battery is low, there will be repeated beeping during an opening. The battery should be replaced immediately.
The LGACCESS is designed to operate the LGBASIC for approximately 1,200 openings. LA GARD recommends replacing the battery every year.
To replace the battery:- Step 1. Using a ballpoint pen, insert the tip into the hole at the bottom of the handle.
- Step 2. Remove this cover.
- Step 3. Carefully lift out the battery. Do not pull as the wires are not very long.
- Step 4. Unsnap the connector from the battery.
- Step 5. Attach the new battery to the connector.
- Step 6. Gently slide the battery into the compartment.
- Step 7. Slide the top of the cover into the handle.
- Step 8. Close the cover onto the handle and gently snap the bottom into place.Test the operation of the lock.