ABLOY USA is offering a 1.0 Health, Safety and Welfare (HSW) continuing-education (CEU) program. The course, approved by the American Institute of Architects, is being presented in a Lunch & Learn format at U.S. offices. It’s designed for architect, engineering, government and consulting firms that are focused on critical infrastructure products.
The hourlong course is centered on complete key-management control solutions for high-security facilities that ABLOY USA provides. It covers options for the installation of an electromechanical, high-security key locking system that has patented rotating-disc mechanical locks, electronic intelligent keys and ABLOY’s PROTEC2 CLIQ software technology to achieve an electronic audit trail.
”We are getting a positive response from firms, because this course can be held on their own time,” says Mark Scharff, ABLOY’s Vertical Market manager for architects and engineers. ”The concept of electronic key control is very new or unknown by most.”
Scharff adds that the course will help participants explain to their high-security-administration clients how to safely grant, register access and manage the keys and locks for any critical infrastructure or high-risk property. Current and relevant codes that pertain to specific, high-security lock mandates will be discussed, as will requirements by the North American Electric Reliability Corp. and the Environmental Protection Agency for specific crticial-infrastructure sectors.
The ABLOY PROTEC2 CLIQ represents game-changing technology for electronic access control. Scharff believes ABLOY’s door cylinders also are true difference makers.
”Our patented disc technology is the most advanced mechanical locking system in the world,” he says.
To schedule an ABLOY AIA Lunch & Learn CEU session or for more information on hosting an event, contact Scharff at [email protected].