2021 Yankee Security Convention Canceled

April 28, 2021
Virtual sessions might be added, and 2022 dates are Oct. 19-23.
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The 2021 Yankee Security Convention has been canceled, although a virtual option might be offered. The convention’s board of directors says the decision was made out of an abundance of caution.

The 2022 convention is scheduled for Oct. 19-23 at the Mass Mutual Center in Springfield, Massachusetts.

Following is the official statement from the Yankee Security Convention Board of Directors:

“The Yankee Security Convention at the Mass Mutual Center will not be in person for 2021. We are currently looking into virtual options and will keep you advised of the progress.

The Board of Directors carefully reviewed the COVID-19 situation. Current Massachusetts restrictions do not allow for an event of our size. Some of our key educators and exhibitors are under corporate travel restrictions. While we can’t know what will be allowed in October, we prefer to err on the side of caution and concern for our attendees, exhibitors, instructors and staff.”