Jan. 19--PLATTSBURGH, NY -- A new partnership is bringing increased security to local businesses and homeowners.
Mac's Safe and Lock has joined with Potsdam-based Alltech Integrations Corporation. Mac's Safe and Lock owner Justin Stearns said he is in charge of Alltech's Plattsburgh, NY, operation.
"Like never before, you have a one-stop shop for all your security needs," he said.
Made nice fit
Alltech Integrations specializes in security systems, fire alarms, hospital nurse calls and patient wandering alarms, office phone systems and building access systems. That proves a nice fit with Mac's Safe and Lock's expertise in all aspects of locksmithing and safes.
Stearns said the new partnership allows him to better serve his customers. The engineers and staff at Alltech Integrations provide the knowledge of the many forms of security technology, while Stearns provides service and support to their local customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Mac's Safe and Lock moved to its new location at 373 Route 3 in the Town of Plattsburgh last year and recently completed renovations to provide space for the Alltech Innovations side of the business. Stearns said business has been good, mainly because of the increased traffic on Route 3 that passes their location on a daily basis.
Alltech Integrations Operations Manager Thomas Quant said he founded that company six years ago with two other people with experience in the security, data and telephone fields.
"We felt there was a need for our customers to have another choice," Quant said.
The company has grown from those original three employees to 18. In addition to the Potsdam and Plattsburgh offices, there is a satellite office in Watertown, NY.
Quant said that even though the company started in Potsdam, they immediately had customers in the Plattsburgh area such as CVPH Medical Center and Bombardier Transportation.
Many of the services they provide used to come from firms in larger metropolitan areas in central New York.
"We've brought these services closer to our customers," Quant said, adding that also allows them to keep costs down.
Covers wide area
Alltech Integrations has served customers throughout all of New York, but its main territory is Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence counties.
"It's quite an area to cover," Stearns said.
He said Alltech Integrations offers free security assessment walk-through inspections. Their staff then identify the security system that fits the client's budget.
"We don't sell the customer something they don't need," Quant said.
Alltech Integrations is a U.S. General Services Administration-certified supplier, which allows them to work with government agencies.
Quant said one of the company's best sources of advertising is its fleet of bright orange vans traveling to and from service calls throughout the North Country.
He said the company is likely to be looking to add employees within the next six months, including sales staff and technicians.
Mac's Safe and Lock continues to specialize in keys, locks and safes. Stearns's father, Paul Stearns, founded the business as Mac's Instant Locksmith in 2003, and Stearns acquired it in 2010.
Two vintage safes from Lavin Candy Company and the Bank of Lake Placid are on display, both built in the late 1800s.
For more information, visit both businesses on Facebook or at www.alltechintegrations.com or www.macssafeandlock.com.
Email Dan Heath:[email protected]
Copyright 2014 - The Press-Republican, Plattsburgh, N.Y.