BLOOMINGTON, Ill., March 28, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --State Farm has made its primary mobile application, Pocket Agent, available on the Kindle Fire tablet. This expansion of the Pocket Agent app, which was previously available for Android and iOS devices, provides the convenience of access to State Farm policies and accounts from an additional tablet device.
"Pocket Agent further extends our reach to customers beyond the service they have become accustomed to receiving in a State Farm agents' office," said Patty Gaumond, Vice President Operations of Customer Care Center - Digital at State Farm. "This integrated approach across all our access points illustrates our continued commitment to be there for our customers anytime and anyplace they wish to do business."
Pocket Agent provides a number of unique features to registered State Farm customers, including the ability submit a claim from anywhere. The app uses customer information to simplify the claims process. Customers are able to select policy information, rather than typing it in, saving valuable time.
Additional features available to Pocket Agent users include the ability to:
- View all policies on a summary screen, including policy name, type and renewal date.
- Deposit a check with MyTime Deposit® Record accident details, capture photos, and submit information.
- View State Farm Bank® accounts with balances.
- Utilize convenient insurance premium and/or bank bill pay options.
- Search for a hotel, gas station, tow truck, taxi, locksmith or rental car by location or zip code.
- Locate a State Farm Select Service® Repair Facility.
- Search for and contact a State Farm agent with ease.
Pocket Agent is just one of the many tools State Farm features in its suite of mobile offerings. The company also provides its Driver Feedback™ and Steer Clear® Mobile applications on Android™ and iOS® (Apple®) smartphones, as well as its MoveTools® app for iPad® users, to all consumers free of charge. To learn more, visit Video: