The Texas Locksmiths Association announces that John C. Helweg is the new president of this locksmith association. Helweg is a second generation locksmith. He has been active in his regional association the Greater Houston Locksmiths Association serving as Editor, Parliamentarian and Treasurer and served as Editor for the Texas Locksmtihs Association for the past couple of years. He has been actively involved legislatively for the past two terms (2009 & 2011) at the State Capital in Austin, TX.
The Texas Locksmiths Association was organized by a group of concerned locksmiths from throughout the state on February 22, 1964. Since that first group of pioneers, the Association has grown to include more than 400 members.
The Texas Locksmiths Association is a not for profit corporation under Section 501(c) (6) of the Internal Revenue Code. The main mission is to provide education to the members and those non-members who attend training classes held around the state. There are also a scholarship funds for deserving sons and daughters of its members.
The association provides support for its members through continuing education classes held throughout the state during the year and at the annual conference and trade show. The goal is to assist the members grow their business, improve their public image and provide continuing education on a variety of topics of interest to the members.
In addition, the TLA holds an annual convention every February, publishes a monthly bulletin, the "TEXAS LOCKSMITHS ADVISOR," and maintains an informative web site. TLA is involved in educating the community about professional locksmiths and TLA monitors legislation, licensing, and regulation to look after the interests of locksmiths in Texas.
The organization's contact information is: P.O. Box 15242, Austin, TX 78761-5242. Web site: