Sept. 30--A combined civil and criminal legal action against a many-faced Madison locksmith company ended this week with penalties of $35,000 and an order to stop using phony names and stop using underhanded tactics against competitors.
The consent judgment from a Dane County Circuit Court civil lawsuit names Madison Locksmith and its owners, Joshua Burlin, of San Diego, and Shahar Elharar, of Madison. Burlin was convicted in March of two felonies and sentenced to probation in connection with the practices of the business.
A state investigation by the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection followed a Wisconsin State Journal account in 2009 of the business's dirty tricks and misrepresentations.
The two men ran their locksmith business -- now closed -- most recently at 825 E. Johnson St. but used 15 names and various addresses.
Assistant Attorney General John Greene said the two men will have two years to pay the $35,000 in penalties and costs.
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