Take Our State of the Industry Survey

Sept. 25, 2023
Our comprehensive 2023 State of the Industry Report will be published in November.

UPDATE: Thanks everyone for the great responses. This survey is now closed. Stay tuned for results in our November 2023 issue.

Your feedback is so valuable to us here at Locksmith Ledger! Please take the time to complete our 2023 State of the Industry Survey, which looks at several key topics affecting your business, including market and product areas where you are seeing the most growth, where you buy your products, and what you look for in a distributor, for example. We are also eager to find out what technologies and trends you feel are most relevant.

The survey should only take about 10 minutes and you have to option of receiving the results, which we will also print in the November issue. The deadline is Sept. 22.

Download last year's comprehensive 2022 State of the Industry report in pdf format.