Notes from the Editor: Do You Remember?

Jan. 2, 2019
Every year this 'Remember' list will surely grow and the only way to succeed is to keep one step ahead of what is 'in' and what is 'out'.

When every vehicle had at least four key-operated locks

When you needed several dozen car opening tools

When fitting keys to cars only required a Curtis Clipper and a few blanks

When 'depot' was only used when the discussion was about trains

When the mortise cutout in every door was different

When your livelihood depended almost entirely on AAA lockouts

When progression was an important key fitting procedure

When the Ilco Universal code machine was a necessary machine in every shop

When 'electronic' was mentioned, the subject was about electric strikes

When no AC power was available, the next choice was an auger bit

When the only pin kits were original kits from each factory

When Yankee screw drivers were the best way to drive screws

When the only place to buy hardware was from a locksmith distributor

When a large keyboard was required to hold your commercial keyblanks

When a small keyboard was required to hold your automotive keyblanks          

When the first column-mounted ignition lock appeared

When a Foley Course and $200 worth of supplies put you in business

When the word “scammer” did not exist

When key codes were stamped on every automotive lock

When Sears was the one and only place to buy tools

When foreign cars were a mere curiosity

When a Segal jimmyproof was the best lock money could buy

When you needed a flat steel key machine for mail box keys

When you needed an Ilco turrret machine to cut bit keys

When double-sided car keys first appeared for domestic cars

When every good locksmith knew how to file and feather old pins

When High Security referred to tubular locks and keys

When 'Fob' was only used in reference to pocket watches

When 'laser' was only connected with Star War movies

All of these topics can be lumped into references to the Good Old Days. Anyone who remembers back to those days must realize how far our business has changed and continues to change. Fortunately, providers of servicing tools and educational programs are working 24/7 to keep locksmiths up to date. Take some time to investigate what the changes are.