Twenty Years Ago
Jerry Levine introduced the Pro5100 standalone exit device by Locknetics. Gale Johnson reviewed a new CCTV wirelesss observation system by Rofu. Writer Richard Formica discussed the servicing of locks on a Dodge Durango. Writer Fred Wessells suggested telephone/video entry systems as a new vertical market for locksmiths. Jerry Levine reported on available media safes of that era. Oldsmobile Cutlass and Intrigue vehicle opening was covered in an article by Pro-Lok. James Glazier predicted "Future Trends in Access Control." Interesting reading twenty years later. Locksmith Wade Landrum reported on the Clark Security convention complete with a Friday night block dinner party staged at Universal Studios. Locksmith Ed Hite answered access control product questions which were sent in by readers. Safe writer Milt Wolferseder explained the workings of Cash Storage Vaults. Writer Wynn Kessler offered ways to avoid marketing pitfalls and blunders and errors. Writer Tom Thill provided ideas on the art of safe manipulation. Where is he now? Locksmith Keith Knott let us ride along in his truck as he tackled the opening of a Mosler round door safe.
Ten Years Ago
Arnie Goldman, IDN- Hardware Sales, explained "Why to Buy from an SHDA Distributor." Writer Steve Young offered a quick reference guide to servicing Pontiac Grand Prix locks. Jerry Levine tested the Hotwire Remote Programmer by Keyless Ride. Locksmith Ledger visited the Just Cars convention in Milwaukee, WI. A rousing success. Gale Johnson described new vehicle model offerings for 2009. Some have already come and gone. Locksmith Tony Fiorini suggested some specialty tools to use plus some of his own ideas for shimming car doors to facilitate unlocking procedures. Jerry Levine tested a Chrysler Code Retrieval Tool used for 2004+ Chrysler cars equipped with CAN systems. Writer Rod Oden provided guidance on Keyless Entry Basics. Tim O'Leary offered an overview of available keypads and card Readers. Greg Waugh, PacLock, detailed the many design developments in the PacLock padlock product lineup. Jerry Levine described the history of LAB. One interesting fact, LAB produces 2 billion pins per year! Jerry Levine also had some suggestions on servicing fragile tumblers in Acura/Honda sidewinder locks. Auto Security Products (ASP) has a Honda pin kit but there is no final fix.
What Is It?
A subscriber sent in three photos of a key-operated lock and asked what it was used for. At first it looked like a lock for a display cabinet but upon further inspection the label contained the wording "Superior Interlock." That solved the riddle.
Interlocks are a safety feature often used on large factory machinery. If a maintenance person must enter the machinery or work close to moving parts, an interlock is used to prevent someone from starting the machinery. Some interlocks contain several lock cylinders so more than one person must be present to set the interlock into an unlocked position.
An alternative is a hasp made by Master Lock. The hasp contains slots for several padlocks. All of the padlocks must be removed before the hasp can be unlocked.