A 1996 Locksmith Ledger editorial explained how to use the internet. What a difference a few short years can make. Hubert Curry reported on the I/O 2000 access control device by Silver Lining Technologies. Jerry Levine introduced readers to the Schlage L-Series mortise lockset. Tom Gillespie alerted readers to Pro-Lok installation jigs. Mr. Gillespie also demonstrated how to unlock an Acura RL vehicle. Jerry Levine described the new products he found at the 1996 ALOA convention. BiLock Quick Change (removable core) cylinders were the subject of an article. Where are they now? Gale Johnson reported on Harloc Handlesets. Harloc later became part of Yale Residential Security Products. An article from DORMA explained how to service their ED800 door openers. Arnie Bell, a member of the Los Angeles Burglar and Fire Alarm Assn., discussed what he believed to be antagonistic business relations between alarm installers and locksmiths. Jet Hardware introduced their large new key catalog. The 1996 National Hardware Show was held in Chicago and Hubert Curry was there to report on the action while Ed Hite provided his insight on the 1996 ALOA convention. Charles Cole tested next generation key machines from Silca. Pam Anderson presented a speed-fitting system for Ford 8-cut locks complete with pages of helpful charts.
Ten Years Ago
Institutional Locksmithing was the theme in the October, 2006 Locksmith Ledger. Dan Howard described the life of a casino locksmith in Las Vegas. Rod Oden explained what Los Angeles locksmiths encounter when working for the Transit Authority. Jerry Levine visited the Paclock facilities in California. Tom Gillespie reported on keying compatibility between American Lock padlocks and residential hardware. Tim O’Leary suggested ways to get started in the alarm business. Jerry Levine wrote about choosing the right access control system. An article series began on servicing electronic safe locks. Locksmith Mike Foty alerted readers to new postal mailbox lock regulations for pedestal mailboxes. Locksmith Tom Thill serviced the locks on a 2006 Dodge Charger. The Hyundai Sonata F0001-F2500 code series was printed. The October 2006 Back Page took a whimsical view of what the 2020 locksmith would be doing and many of the predictions have already come true.
It Happened At ALOA
Medeco Security Locks scheduled a cocktail hour at the 2016 ALOA convention for locksmith visitors from overseas. The lively meeting included people from all parts of the globe. While their native tongue may not have been English, there was no difficulty in speaking with the guests since everyone spoke English as a second language.
Each time this reporter meets people from overseas, I regret not having taken the opportunity to learn additional languages. As part of the activities, papers were distributed with sentences written in 20 different languages. Guests were asked to identify as many languages as possible. This reporter only recognized three languages correctly.
A costume contest was not planned. However, if a contest had been planned, the winner would certainly have been a locksmith from Guam. He could not be lost in the crowd with his is unusual leopard skin mesh attire.
Thanks to Medeco Security Locks for an interesting meeting and for first rate hors d’oeuvres.