Ziptide, August 2016

Aug. 1, 2016

Father’s Day Tribute

The following two letters to the editor are responses to Editor-In-Chief Gale Johnson’s Father’s Day-themed Notes from the Editor enewsletter. Read the original article at Also, be sure to sign up to get our four enewsletters in your inbox every month.


Thanks for your continued editorials…which I look forward to reading each month.

It brought a smile  to me in remembering my Father’s relationship with Turn 10 Wholesale (1974 – 2000). I miss him with a smile in great memories (with a lot more positive times along with crazy heated “Father” non-flexibility viewpoints in between).

 Today, I can proudly accept that his hard work ethic and attention to details (to do the job right) are traits that have helped me adapt the business 2000 – present) as Turn 10 continues its focus with the dealer network for success.  Thanks Dad………. I will keep going to bat vs. being unethical and using a “ghost website” while selling direct to the end-users.

 Due to markets & product rapidly changing,   my hope is that Security Manufacturers will come to the reality that relationship business works best  vs.  the influx of amazon & e-bay selling against the local dealer network on price.

Our Dads would be in disbelief of E-selling locksmith products and the craziness of the up-coming Political 2016 election, compared to  their old-school beliefs where business relationships and ethics  

Enjoy your Father’s Day J and God bless you and your family.

Andy Miller

Turn  10 Wholesale


I thoroughly enjoyed your Father's Day message. I hope you don't mind if I share it. 

It really rang true and is a beautiful dedication to your Dad. Just wanted you to know it made my day.

Tom Gillespie CML, CIL, CCL

Starfleet Lock & Safe, Inc.

Looking for Specific Products?

Here at Locksmith Ledger, we get a lot of questions from readers who are looking for sources for specific products. We are always glad to help, but we also have a couple suggestions for locksmiths who need that part after hours.

Our website,, has a search box in the upper right corner of the home page. We recommend typing in the product name or type there.  Results will likely take you to our online Buyers Guide or to magazine articles about that particular product/company.

In print, please check our 2016 Security Register, which includes a product index an extensive alphabetical listings of both manufacturers and distributors serving the locksmith industry. Next month’s magazine will include our Know Your Distributors listings, which provide greater detail about locksmith distributors, including information on product categories, brands, value-added services and shipping policies.

Looking for a specific distributor? Our annual Know Your Distributors listing, a 20-page chart carefully compiled by information provided to us by the distributors serving the locksmith industry, is available for download at

We welcome updates from distributors throughout the year, for both our Online Buyers Guide and upcoming 2017 Security Register. Please email [email protected] with any new information.

More Questions? Visit Discussion Forums

Got a challenging question about a recent installation? Our online discussion forums might just have the answer you need. 

Post your questions at and see if your colleagues or our editors can provide an answer.  Forum topics include Ask An Expert (moderated by editor in chief Gale Johnson), General Locksmithing, Electronic Access Control, Safe Servicing and Automotive Locksmithing. 

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  • Our issue promo enewsletter gives readers an online preview of each new issue.
  • ProductWatch showcases the newest products being marketed to locksmiths.
  • EventWatch notifies are readers of upcoming trade shows and educational opportunities.
  • Notes from the Editor is a timely, interesting monthly report from Editor-In-Chief Gale Johnson.

Just visit, select the newsletters you would like to receive, and type in your email address, and soon these monthly updates will arrive in your Inbox.

Send Your Letters

The editors of Locksmith Ledger welcome reader input. Share your comments and suggestions on any of our articles or general industry trends and topics. Share your opinions on relevant topics like locksmith licensing, the shift from key to keyless for both automotive and residential, and the state of our industry in general. Let us know what works and doesn't work for your business.

Letters can be mailed to Locksmith Ledger, 125 Wilke Road, Suite 300, Arlington Heights, IL 60005. They may be faxed to 866-827-8020 or E-mailed to [email protected].