Classified Information
Can't legal action be taken against say the locksmith who reveled "key bumping?” I'm assuming it was a locksmith. I've seen online how-to videos where these tricks are revealed and have heard that bump keys are sold for a few dollars on Amazon.
Can nothing be done to hold this knowledge in the interest of public safety? Or freedom of speech over rides this notion? Our system is full of inequities favoring the bad guys.
Colin Stunts
Via e-mail
Security Register Time!
It’s the time of year when editors of Locksmith Ledger ask the vendors serving our industry to update their information for both our 2014 Security Register and our Online Buyers Guide, found at
Company Listings: Manufacturers and distributors: Locksmith Ledger asks for your help. If you haven’t already done so, please be sure to update your information for our 2014 Security Register right away. This comprehensive reference guide will be mailed to Locksmith Ledger subscribers in December. It contains alphabetical listings of manufacturers and distributors serving our industry, full contact information and a product cross-reference section to help our readers locate sources for the products they need.
E-mail [email protected] and we will e-mail you an individual link that enables you to review and update your company's listing online or blank listing forms in pdf format. Or, if you would prefer, we can fax you a packet of information that enables you update your information and explains additional advertising products to make your listing stand out.
Trade Associations: We are also updating our annual listing of active locksmith and trade associations and we need help from our readers. If we cannot verify that an association’s information is valid, we will not be able to list that association in our directory issue. Please take the time to verify your information and let the editors of Locksmith Ledger know about any changes. Letters and e-mails have been sent to the addresses in our database. Again, e-mail [email protected] if you need to check the status of your listing or would like a blank form.
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- EventWatch notifies are readers of upcoming trade shows and educational opportunities.
- Notes from the Editor is a timely, interesting monthly report from Editor-In-Chief Gale Johnson.
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Send Your Letters
The editors of Locksmith Ledger welcome reader input. Share your comments and suggestions on any of our articles or general industry trends and topics.
Our mailing address is Ziptide, Locksmith Ledger, 3030 Salt Creek Lane, Suite 200, Arlington Heights, IL 60005. Letters can also be faxed to 866-827-8020 or E-mailed to [email protected].