Vulnerable Auto Locks
Editor’s Note: This letter is in response to a recent Notes from the Editor enewsletter, titled Problem Solvers, which discussed e-mails making the rounds which describe how a thief can punch a small hole directly under a car door handle. The thief can then apparently operate the tailpiece cam to gain entrance to the vehicle. Very little damage is visible. (Read the enewsletter at
I received the same e-mail and went to a scrap yard to test the theory. It's completely doable and quick.
My initial thought on the matter was to rivet a stainless plate to the inside of the handle that protects the three inches below the handle on the inside of the door. I haven't tested this theory, mostly due to time and weather, but I thought this note might start a brainstorm.
Alan Lillie, TCPL
Alan Lillie Locksmith Inc.
London ON Canada
Code Compliance
This letter is in response to your article, Code-Compliant Doors: What to Look For (February 2013 issue of Locksmith Ledger, pages 14-18,
Being a University, it will probably not meet code. I fought that battle with a new building at Savannah State University in Savannah, Ga. The local fire marshal said it was a Georgia State building and he was not the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), even though the exit door out of the auditorium was installed to open in. No one seemed to care about correcting it, especially the contractor, who said it was in the plans that way.
It’s amazing what the government can get away with in violating their own laws and rules.
Bruce Rahn
Via email
Great Article
Editor’s Note: Read Gale Johnson’s editorial, Twenty Children Died Today, at
I know my response is delayed, but just had to tell you...this is one of the most articulate, thought-provoking, and well-thought-out items I have seen/heard in response to this most recent spate of horrific “home-grown terror” events. It was a most refreshing and honest perspective, contrasted with the talking-head, knee-jerk reactions so typical in the mass media. FWIW, well done!
Jill M. Reed, Office Manager
Reed’s Lock & Access Control Systems, Inc.
Annville PA
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