Two decades ago I became associated with Locksmith Ledger. For several decades before that time I was an avid reader of Locksmith Ledger. It was a proud moment when Aaron Fish hired me as the Locksmith Ledger managing editor.
During my first day on the job I was told to continue the direction set out by Leonard Singer in 1939 when he first began printing the magazine. The very first copy of Locksmith Ledger contained news of our industry, new product reviews and technical information to assist locksmiths.
There is no other profession quite like locksmithing. Manufacturers of security equipment develop products which are designed to protect goods and property. Locksmiths are requested to defeat these security products during times of security product failure or when some other emergency situation occurs. Over the years there has always been a continual learning experience for locksmiths as new and more intricate locking systems emerge. The relationship between locksmiths and lock manufacturers is friendly but competitive as both parties endeavor to provide the goods and services requested by their customers.
Locksmith Ledger exists to bridge the gap between security product manufacturers and professional locksmiths. We assist manufacturers by introducing their new products and showing the latest 'how-to' installation, reprogramming and integration procedures. We assist locksmiths by providing the best possible lock servicing methods available.
The type of security products and servicing procedures have changed over the years but the underlying precepts and the reporting integrity first displayed in the 1939 Locksmith Ledger edition will never change. Our loyalty continues towards all subscribers whether you are locksmiths or manufacturers.