KeyController by KEYSURE is a unique, non-electronic key control device for use in the home, by institutions, or in the corporate sector. It's pilfer-proof, tamper-evident, waterproof, and weatherproof. It's a foolproof, accountable way to store important keys; leave a key with a neighbor, store emergency cash, credit cards or important contact information. This personal security product and creates a whole new customer base for controlling keys. In other words, anyone with a key is a potential KeyController customer.
KeyController can be described as a keyless lockbox or a security seal for keys. It safely encapsulates a single key inside a hard plastic shell, thus preventing keys from being used surreptitiously or copied.
This is also a portable form of key control, unlike other forms that are basically a cabinet fixed to a surface. Accountability for a single key is a novel concept that only KeyController can provide.
KeyController is not limited to keys alone. It stores access control cards, pin numbers, alarm codes, safe combinations, computer passwords, confidential information needed in an emergency, or a combination of all of these. A unique KeyController feature is its potential for use by the elderly and the infirm. Vital information can be safely stored in the home and quickly accessed in the event of an emergency. In addition, KeyController has applications for information technology and gun control safety as well. With this innovative, simple product you can develop new internal security strategies or integrate it with existing ones.
KeyController is a two-part plastic box that is 3" by 4¾" by ¾" when closed, available in blue or clear. Each box has two hot-stamped, non-removable signature foil labels. Signature foil is the strip of material on your credit card where you sign your name. The signature is important because it serves the same purpose as activating a credit card or endorsing a check, thus preventing the key from being transferred.
The clear KeyController unit has labels on the outside of the box only; the blue has labels on both the inside and outside. KEYSURE specifically recommends the blue unit for tenant/landlord applications, since it requires additional information from the tenant and both versions for industrial security applications.
To operate KeyController, simply put the key in one half of the box and cover with the other half. Squeeze both halves together until you hear a snapping sound and apply a signature and identification. To access the key in an emergency, strike the KeyController box on the corner of a desk or other hard surface, or drop the box on the floor and step on it. It's made of styrene and easily breaks into shards; the pieces are not dangerous or sharp.
KeyController is an essential component of the innovative Keysure Tenant Key Control System specifically designed for residential real estate management for keys not accessed on a regular basis. When it comes to the practicalities of the real estate management, the management must keep a copy of the tenant's keys, yet tenants are sometimes distrustful of the management. The Keysure Tenant Key Control System actively involves the tenants in the signature and identification process, and this allows each tenant to check up on safely stored keys in the KeyController without revealing key ownership. The Keysure Tenant Key Control System is a logical compromise between management and tenant because it prevents false accusations, protects both parties, and substantially complies with most standard leases…a "win / win" concept.
The KEYSURE Company advises the potential users of the Keysure Tenant Key Control System of the importance of establishing a carefully written security policy for tenants to comprehend. A sample policy letter and instructions can be downloaded from the KEYSURE web site (
Why choose this security system over others? It's easy to operate, is highly secure, uses no batteries, has no movable parts; and, it takes the mystery out of who has the key and who has access to it. It has security applications for the individual, corporations, and institutions.
The Keysure Tenant Key Control System is adaptable to any size building and has a wall-mounted cabinet and drawer storage systems to deal with any size building.
Keysure will custom make a cabinet, and offers a Videx locking system for those that demand electronic auditing technology.
Every year, a lot of money is spent on new cylinders and the re-keying of existing ones, which in turn deteriorate over time because of poor key management. Delivering new keys to the customer is not the end of the job. With KeyController at $ 5.99 suggested retail, every time you meet a customer is an opportunity to sell key control.
For more information, call 800-803-7308 or 518-828-5337 or visit