August 10 is Texas' Top Day for Home Burglaries

Aug. 8, 2013
Deadbolt locks, secure window and gate locks, alarm systems and lighting recommended to deter break-ins

IRVING, Texas, Aug. 6, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- More Texans file home burglary insurance claims on August 10 than any other day – according to a recent review by Allstate Insurance Company. Many Texans are taking trips this summer. Allstate agencies are encouraging people to keep their homes locked-up and their vacation plans under wraps.

Police say electronics, jewelry and cash are top targets during break-ins and obviously empty houses of vacationing families make easy marks. Police report criminals will often check homes for excessive mail, door hangers or newspapers lying around in the front yard. The suspects will usually knock on the victim's front door. If no one answers, police say the perpetrators kick in the door, take items and leave within a few minutes.

"Home burglaries can happen anywhere, anytime," said Robin Czarnek an Allstate Agency Owner in San Antonio. "It's important to be aware of what makes your home more attractive to thieves and take simple steps to safeguard your family from this potential threat."

To help protect your home and make it less inviting to burglars, here are five tips from Allstate agents:

1. Lock Up
Even if you're just running out on a short errand, make sure all doors and windows are locked. Steel doors and deadbolt locks provide the best security. Also, always keep your garage door shut and locked. Police say open garage doors are a common entry point for burglars.

2. Advertise Deterrents
An alarm system is an excellent deterrent to crime, as long as it's used consistently. The system should include a loud siren and motion sensors. Display security system decals on your windows and doors.  

3. Don't Publicize Your Plans
Be careful when tweeting or posting Facebook updates about the vacation you're on or the concert you're at.  Although you're friends' friends may seem trustworthy, you'd be surprised how quickly news spreads that you're not home. Have someone pick-up your mail.

4. Protect Your Possessions
Store items like jewelry, cash out –of-sight and be sure valuables like flat-screen televisions are not visible from the street. 

5. Know What You've Got
If you become the victim of theft, it will make the claim process easier if you have a complete inventory of any missing items. The Allstate Digital Locker™ iPhone application now puts that record at your fingertips.

Top Three Days for Texas Home Break-Ins

  1. August 10
  2. October 1
  3. January 1

Allstate Insurance Company analyzed its Texas homeowner insurance claims over a three-year period, from 2010 through 2012, and averaged the number of burglary claims filed each day. Allstate insurers approximately 545,000 Texas homes, which equates to 12 percent of all Texas households.

SOURCE The Allstate Corporation