Twenty Years Ago
Jim Glazier explained how to understand door hardware spec sheets. Jerry Levine showed how to install a Schlage handle lockset. Gary Williams, Von Duprin, provided a list of abbreviations used when ordering Von Duprin exit devices. Georgia locksmith Clarence Martin installed a Baldwin mortise lock in a antique door. Jerry Levine installed a Private Eye door viewer by Meade Enterprises. Where are they now? Louis George explained how ADA laws affects locksmiths. Tom Gillespie used Pro-Lok tools to unlock various Saturn vehicles. Jerry Levine wrote a primer on how to sell access control. Louis George described hardware designed for use by the elderly and handicapped. A Ledger article offered advice on selecting the correct door for the job. A Locknetics access control installation in a Connecticut office building was featured. A 1994 key board contest continued. Perhaps there are more and better keyboard ideas today? Ledger reported on John Falle lock picks from the UK. Mark Moneta advised readers on how to compete against the expanding amount of competitors. Jerry Levine listed all 1994 GM vehicles which are equipped with anti-theft devices. Today the list would be three letters long -- ALL.
Ten Years Ago
Tom Gillespie suggested that locksmiths should look beyond the lock and when out on a job and see if additional items such as hinges need replacing. Jerry Levine reported on the Marks USA Protector mortise lock. Locksmith Ledger also reported on DORMA CL870 cylindrical locks. Dale Bowman introduced the new Medeco3 Biaxial cylinder lineup. Rod Oden provided an epic master key article on ways to use the key bitting array. Jerry Levine tested the Smart-Clone by Jet Hardware. Tim O’Leary described how basic alarm systems could be easily installed. Lockmasters Security Institute dedicated their new training facility. Ingersoll Rand products were shown installed at Long Island University. Tiny serviced the locks on a 2005 Chevrolet Equinox. Steve Kaufman interviewed Ted Gula, locksmith and inventor of a key cutting system for Sargent sectional keys. Locksmith Ledger reported on the TD3000 Transponder Detector by Bianchi. The National Average Price for service calls in 2004 was $47.
Help Wanted
A California locksmith encountered this deadbolt lock when a customer asked for a combination change. In an effort to remove the lock the inside housing was damaged. The locksmith then asked Locksmith Ledger for assistance in determining what company manufactured this product. For once, our crack crew of Locksmith Ledger experts was stumped. Can any Locksmith Ledger subscriber identify the lock manufacturer? Email [email protected].