The Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA) has announced its new officers for 2013. They will preside over the 2013 BHMA Winter Meeting in Tampa, FL, Feb. 5-7th, 2013.
The new officers are:
- President: Sandy Johnson, Stanley Security Solutions
- 1st Vice President: Scott James, CompX International, Inc
- 2nd Vice President: Dan Picard, Sargent Manufacturing Company
- 3rd Vice President: Ed Pruit, Bommer Industries
- Past President: Don Baker, Ingersoll Rand
“The new slate of officers will convene Feb. 7th with other industry leaders for their annual strategic planning session. This meeting is a forum to assess the association’s progress and to discuss initiatives that will be prioritized for 2013,” said Ralph Vasami, executive director of BHMA.
“The Winter Meeting with be kicked off with technical team meetings followed by sessions of the Marketing Committee and the Codes and Government Affairs Committee,” Vasami continued. “The BHMA in-person meetings offer both strategic sessions and a roster of ‘roll-up-your-sleeves’ working sessions keyed to the ANSI/BHMA Standards under revision.”
BHMA is the sole organization accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to develop performance standards for builders hardware. BHMA’s leadership of industry standards development, and its escalating participation in the building codes arena, comprises the backbone of BHMA’s mission and activities.
For more information on, or to purchase copies of the ANSI/BHMA standards, visit BHMA’s bookstore at Standards can also be ordered by calling 800-699-9277. Purchased standards are available as printed documents or electronic files (PDF) for immediate download.