Changing Times
I just heard about four pulp mills in the US being bought out by the Chinese so they can make boxes, send them to China, fill them with goods, and ship the filled boxes back to the US. Not selling out to China and keeping manufacturing here to begin with certainly helps too. We have all seen quality in much of our products and tools we purchase go down. Is it worth the lowered price? I don't like selling junk.
Mark D'Addario
Thanks for your reply. Your subject is a good one. Asian people now have a lot of U.S. dollars in their pocket. The easiest way to get rid of U.S. dollars is to buy something in USA. I have been told that a large portion of Hawaiian land is owned by Asians. It’s a free country and I am not anti-Asian. But it does show how the scale is tipping and we are fast becoming a second rate country. As long as we continue to run a deficit and close industries in USA, foreigners will continue to take advantage of the situation.
Editor-In-Chief Gale Johnson
Editor’s Note: This letter is in response to our June Notes from the Editor enewsletter, online at
The following is a portion of the enewsletter. “A recent E-mail from a distributor lists 11 lock companies that will soon be raising their prices. There are probably valid reasons but the first that comes to mind is that the source of production is raising their prices. If that source of production is overseas, it points to the weakened position our country is now in. Not too many years ago politicians spoke of letting foreign countries make the products while intelligent people in USA should concentrate on inventing the new products. As time goes on that does not seem to be a winning strategy. Make America great again has a long hard road ahead.”
Access Control Trends & Technology
In addition to our regular issue, Locksmith Ledger readers receive our 2019 Access Controls Trends and Technologies Special Supplement this month. This is a joint project with our sister publications in the Endeavor Business Media Security Group. It will also feature content from and be mailed with upcoming issues of both Security Business and Security Technology Executive magazines.
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