Code Card Comparisons

Nov. 1, 2006
Kaba-Ilco U2 and HPC 1200CM code machines use the same sized cards.

Kaba-Ilco U2 and HPC 1200CM code machines use the same sized cards. It has been found that these cards can be used interchangeably from one manufacturer to the other.

HPC cards contained both letters and numbers to indicate what the card is used for. As example, “MC” indicates motorcycles while “F” indicates foreign vehicles. 1200CM code cards added a ‘C’ prefix to all card numbers approximately fifteen years ago.

Kaba-Ilco has the same numbering system used by Ultracode electronic key machines. This is a number-only system which at this time can be either 2, 3 or 4 digits.

Kaba-Ilco also prints the HPC card number on their cards as a cross-reference for former HPC 1200 users.

HPC reportedly is considering whether todiscontinue the printing of new cards. If this occurs, then the new cards and card numbers from Kaba-Ilco will become an important source for both parts and new number sequencing for both U2 and 1200CM machines.

The following is a list of comparable code card numbers and may not include all of the cards availabe from either company. Our thanks to Kaba-Ilco for sharing the information for these listings. Consult notations listed on each code card for added information on cutting aids and other key blank numbers.

View list in PDF format.
