Aug. 1, 2007
“Convertible” means the new R2800 Series IC housings are field-changeable. The first noticeable difference is that the cams are removable. Need a different cam? Just remove the two Philips cam screws and install a new cam.

It's an old problem. Your customer needs an IC system and all the housings in stock are either too long, too short or have the wrong cam. The trouble with IC housings has been that the cams are always permanently fastened. If you need a rim cylinder housing or one with an Adams Rite or Corbin cloverleaf cam, it becomes a time-consuming order from your distributor.

Kaba Ilco has solved this problem with their new R2800 series convertible IC housings. ‘Convertible' refers the field-changeable possibilities. The first noticeable difference is that the cams are removable. Kaba Ilco IC mortise cylinder cams are retained with two screws, just like any standard mortise cylinder. Need a different cam? Just remove the two Philips cam screws and install a new cam.

Five different cam types are available from Kaba Ilco. They are: a standard large Yale cam, an Adams Rite cam, a cloverleaf cam for Corbin-Russwin, a cam for Schlage ‘L' series locks and a special cam required for Sargent/Yale locks. Cams are available in 10 packs. Order a stock of each cam type and you will be prepared for just about any situation. Because of the position of the pins on the tennon adapter, cam screw retainer holes are offset. This precludes the use of any old used cams you may have collected.

Another convertible feature of the R2800 series is that two of the housings can be easily changed from mortise cylinders to rim cylinders. 6-pin or 7-pin cylinders can be ordered as rim cylinders, or mortise cylinders can be field-changed from mortise to rim cylinders using a rim cylinder conversion kit.

Kaba Ilco refers to regular mortise cylinders as ‘thin head' and cylinders for aluminum door applications as ‘thick head'. All thin head cylinders are drilled and tapped at the factory to accept rim cylinder retainer screws. The R2800 conversion kit contains a rim tailpiece, a tennon adapter to mate an IC cylinder to a rim tailpiece, cylinder retaining screws, backplate and ‘C' clips to retain the tennon adaptor. Two thin head housing lengths are available to accept either 6-pin (1 1/4”), or 7-pin (1 3/8”) cylinders. A spacer is also available to fill the gap when a 6-pin cylinder is used in a 7-pin housing. Spacer collars of 1/4” thickness are included with each mortise cylinder.

Two lengths of ‘thick head' cylinders with tapered heads are available. Thick head cylinders are designed for installing IC cylinders into aluminum doors where there is a minimal distance between the face of the door and the lock unit. The extra length necessary to accept an IC cylinder is added to the face of the cylinder housing. Two different cylinder housing lengths are available, one for 6-pin IC cylinders and a longer thick head to accept 7-pin IC cylinders.

R2800 Kaba Ilco housings can be ordered in five different finishes: bright brass (605), satin brass (606), oil rubbed bronze (613), bright chrome (625) and satin chrome (626). By mixing and matching the four housing types with various components of cams, rim conversion kit and finishes, over 100 cylinder variations are possible.

For more information on R2800 products, contact your local locksmith distributor or Kaba Ilco Corp., telephone 800-334-1381, web site
